What is SPF? What is UPF?
What is SPF?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor. This is the standard measurement of the sun's rays through penetration of creams, lotions and sprays, before the skin reddens, or begins to get red. This is SPF. Sunscreen SPF measurement only started twenty years ago, ignoring UVA and focused solely on UVB rays.
What is UPF?
UPF stands for UltraViolet Protection Factor. Sun protection clothing, sun hats and sun gloves are measured by a standard UPF rating by testing the sun's penetration through the fabrics fibers, this provides a broad-spectrum protection rating of UPF 30, UPF 40 or UPF 50+. Sun Protective Clothing protects against both UVA and UVB wavelength rays.
What is Broad-Spectrum Protection?
Broad-spectrum means the measurement of two of the sun's UltraViolet wavelengths, UVA and UVB rays and their ability to penetrate through sunscreens and fabric to begin to redden skin.
What is UVA?
UVA is the longest wavelength. We can't see UVA, but it reaches into the deepest levels of the skin, causing damage. UVA causes wrinkles, age and dark spots and has been proven to cause damage that may lead to skin cancer formation in the deep levels of the skin.
What is UVB?
UVB is the 2nd longest wavelength to reach us, but 95% of UVB wavelengths are destroyed as they pass through the ozone. Still, the 5% that get through are very powerful. UVB wavelengths burn the skin, what we know as sunburn.